Ethical values of the Riphah University
“Establishment of state of the art educational institutions with a focus on inculcating Islamic Ethical Values.”
Welcome to the Department of Islamic Studies, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan. The Riphah University, from its inception, has merely been an educational institution and movement for integration of ethical conduct and moral values in students’ lives through character building and personality development. The Riphah values include Al-Akhirah (Akhirah Oriented Decisions), Itqan (Pursuits of Excellence), Rahmah (Compassion), Mushawarah (Consultation & Harmony), Ijtimaiyyah (Team-Work), and Muhasabah (Accountability). The university leadership has always made concentrated efforts to translate the university’s vision, mission, and values into reality and practice.
The Department of Islamic Studies was established in 2016 to provide an insight into Islamic knowledge and teach the Islamic vision of life into practice. For this purpose, the department has scholarly faculty members having expertise and experience in teaching Islamic thought and philosophy. The faculty team has been effectively applying pedagogical motivational techniques, innovative teaching strategies, and experiential learning practices for delivering Islamic knowledge. Consequently, the students become familiar with the theoretical understanding and practical implementation of Islamic teachings. In pursuit of the university vision and mission, the faculty members greatly focus on the students’ ethical grooming and character building based on the Islamic ethical system and moral values, which makes the Riphah University a unique institution.
Nevertheless, the department has taken significant steps to achieve its desired goals and objectives by offering “Life and Living” courses in all faculties and departments. The department also emphasizes developing a holistic personality through research, education, and training programs for systematic reforms, transformation, tolerance, forbearance, innovative solutions, and social change in the community. Overall, the Department of Islamic Studies (DIS) aims at inculcating Islamic vision of life among the students, developing a moderate, dynamic and wholesome personality, preparing competent Muslim professionals, familiarizing the students with fundamental beliefs of Islam, providing awareness about the contemporary challenges of the Muslim world, and acquainting the students with the Islamic ideology and ideological foundations of Pakistan.
The Department of Islamic Studies offers the programs at undergraduate and graduate levels aiming:
Pakistan is an ideological country where Muslims can pass their lives according to the principles of Islam. The important requirement towards achieving this objective is the correct understanding of Islamic teachings in the light of the Quran and the Sunnah. Therefore, the Islamic Studies discipline is gaining importance over time in the country. In the era of negative propaganda and misrepresentation about Islam, it is important to correctly understand and present the true picture of Islam to the world and provide workable solutions to humanity’s problems in different areas of life.
The Department of Islamic Studies offers MPhil and BS programs and will offer PhD Islamic Studies in the future. It is equipped with qualified and committed faculty members, sound academic resources both physical and electronic, and an environment conducive to learning the teachings of Islam. I hope that our educational programs in the field of Islamic Studies will provide extensive theoretical knowledge and a practical problem-solving approach.
Dr. Atiquzzafar Khan
Dean Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities
Welcome to the Department of Islamic Studies (DIS).
Indeed, Islam is a complete code for all domains of human life. Our mission is to provide a diverse teaching and learning environment for Islamic education and academic researh at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The department intends to discuss emerging issues and fostering a thought-provoking understanding of Islamic education that bridges Islamic philosophy to real practice for promoting positive ethical values in individual, family, social, and professional life. To follow and apply religion in its true spirit is not an easy task and combining all aspects of life with Islam is the best solution to this problem. Therefore, DIS has designed its courses in such a way that students will be able to learn about the deep connection between Islam and various aspects of life. Moreover, the department offers a range of courses that provide exciting learning opportunities for students of all disciplines, focusing on developing academic, innovative, interpersonal, problem-solving, research, and management skills in the 21st Century. I believe that our educational and mentoring strategies will be useful and fruitful for providing a dynamic Islamic personality for sustainable social benefits and humanity’s welfare.
I cordially invite you to join us in a journey of knowledge and divine wisdom.
Dr. Hafiz Waqas Khan
Head-Department of Islamic
Studies (DIS)
Dr. Hafiz Waqas Khan
Head, Department of Islamic Studies (DIS), Faculty of Social Sciences
& Humanities (FSSH),Riphah International University, I-14/3 Campus,
Near Hajj Complex, Islamabad, Pakistan, 44000
Office:Room # 217, Block-F, Phone: 051-8446000, Ext 380