
Fee Structure 2024 - 25

Fee and Dues for  FY 2024-25 for First Year MBBS intake Batch 2025:

**PM&DC registration is also payable in actual by the student in the name of “Pakistan Medical and Dental Council” as per approved regulations.

Above fee excludes taxes and levies if applicable.

Hostel rentals amounts to Rs.360,000/- per head annually for boarder students in addition to above fee. Mess and transportation shall be charged monthly as per actual.

Admission Fee is non refundable. Further pro rata deduction of tuition fee shall be applicable for the period spent in the college for students leaving after commencement of classes. Student shall be liable for 10% of total annual fee in addition to above deductions for leaving college after commencement of classes.

Click “Details” to view fee of subsequent years. 


UAN: 033-11-000-111,
UAN Lahore: 042-111-747-424