
Functions of Faculty Development committee:

There are Medical Education Committee in DME, Faculty Development committee is one of the committee. These committee quarterly report to the Principal & Dean Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences about its progress. Committee comprised of qualified members (with MHPE Degree) and a chairperson.

  1. Develop a complete Yearly ‘Plan’ / roadmap for IIMC faculty development/ training (MUST & SHOULD) in phases purely based on the faculty ‘need’ with timelines, starting from orientation program, motivational talks, seminars & symposiums, refreshers, workshops, certificate courses to informal training of faculty at workplaces.
  2. Based on ‘Need Assessment’ identify the core areas/issues in medical education on which faculty will be train and arrange it in priority.
  3. Identify the national and international Consultants & Master Trainers in medical education for faculty training.
  4. Plan, coordinate and implement faculty development programs in liaison with RARE.
  5. Identify the ‘Master Trainers’ from the institution and international to be train in major areas of medical education to conduct workshops for faculty.
  6. FDC will arrange and conduct the ‘training of trainers’ workshops.
  7. Work in close liaison with all other committees to identify the faculty ‘needs’.
  8. Help the faculty in conducting & disseminating the educational research on various essential issues in medical education in liaison with Assistant Dean RARE.
  9. Orient and help the faculty about the process of requesting the research grants, conference participation policy, publications policies from the HEC and RARE through Assistant Dean RARE.
  1. Identify & Train faculty & students in Moellim (LMS) use and motivate them for its use. Help the IIMC administration in creating Login ID for students & faculty for Moellim.
  1. Generate report on the committee’s progress and presents it to Dean/principal IIMC and RARE quarterly.
  1. Develop trainings calendar for ‘MUST’ (Free) for faculty to cope with Online teaching and assessment during & post Covid era (06 months duration).
  2. Conduct need Assessment survey 6 monthly for faculty trainings for MUST (Free) category. Facilitators can be identified by the different committee’s chairs. They will be from IIMC/IIDC and MHPE/MCPS-HPE, DCPS-HPE qualified. These trainers will be approved by the FDC.
  3. Develop a roadmap with timeline for ASPIRE FD Project in coordination with RARE.
  4. Develop and implement Orientation program for IIMC newly inducted faculty twice in a Year.
  5. Develop list of ‘Should’ (Paid) category trainings be plan and implement in collaboration with RARE.
  6. Develop, plan, conduct and evaluate MHPE & CHPE Programs.
  7. Plan ICMEs with RARE.


SOP’s of Faculty Development:

  1. Trainings will be planned on identified Area/ Theme/Topic based on ‘Need Assessment’ by ‘Faculty development committee’.
  2. Annual plus monthly calendar will be prepared by the FDC and approved by the Dean FHMS.
  3. ‘Trainers’ will be mentioned in the monthly calendar.
  4. Every member of the FD committee will involve in coordination of the activities with mutual understanding, this will reflect in Calendar of the trainings.
  5. FDC will provide the template for the workshop schedule, prepare the Flyer, arrange the sessions, set the pre requisite and registration system, administer, evaluate (pretest, posttest, evaluation form) and generate the post event report.
  6. If any committee chair, or any department want to conduct any training, please route through FDC. These trainings will be ‘MUST’ (Free) type. In order to ensure the quality a member of FDC will be there. Before and during the event the organizer must follow the FDC SOP.
  7. Any change or addition must be approved by Faculty development committee.



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