
RESEARCH GROUPS (Biomedical Engineering)

Team Lead: Dr. Faraz Akram
Members: Hamza Toor, Falak Anjum, Shakeel Ishtiaq, Abdul Qadeer Khan


The Bio-Signal Processing group at Riphah International University investigates the use of signal processing and machine learning techniques for the analysis and classification of biomedical signals, with special emphasis on EEG, EMG, and ECG signals.

Currently, the group is engaged in the following research projects.
• EEG based Brain-Computer Interfaces
• Design and Development of EMG Controlled Prosthetics
• Stress Detection using Pulse Rate Variability
• Non-invasive blood glucose monitoring

Team Lead: Hamza Toor
Members: Mashal Fatima, Mudassir Hussain, Shoaib zafar, Syeda Rida Zahra


Biomedical instrumentation covers the area of design and development of devices that can detect and measure the physical quantity present in the body.
Currently work on following research projects is being carried out:
• Development of Smart Stick for visually impaired people
• Designing and Fabrication of a low-cost Computer aided auscultation device for developing countries
• Fall Detection Using wearable 3 axis accelerometer
• Designing and fabrication of EEG Measurement system using Gold Electrodes

Team Lead: Engr. Faisal Amin
Members: Ayub Khan, Dr. Sara Rehman, Shoaib Zafar, Abdul Malik Muhammad

Biomechanics is the study and application of physical laws on living organisms. It includes ergonomics, orthopedic biomechanics, sports mechanics, rehabilitation mechanics etc. The group of biomechanics has been involved in several research projects and led to publish numerous conference and journal articles of international repute. The titles of main ongoing projects are given below:
• Footwear Affects Biomechanical Work and Knee Adduction Moment during Stance Phase in Medial Knee Osteoarthritic Male Pakistani Adults
• Pushing a Manual Wheelchair Requires More Muscular Force than Pulling
• Effect of toe-out and toe-in postures on static standing balance • Effect of bunion on plantar pressure distribution

Medical Image Processing:
Team Lead: Dr. Jawwad Sami Ur Rahman
Members: Muddasir Hussain, Falak Anjum and Abdul Malik

Working :

Image Processing group aims to apply medical image segmentation techniques on the
raw data of MRI to extract meaningful information to help the doctors in the diagnosis process.

  •  Development of Deep Learning method for brain tumour analysis.
  • Use of Electron Microscopy images for the analysis of malignant cancer

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