
Islamic Int. Medical College (IIMC)

Islamic International Medical College (IIMC) is a pioneer private Sector medical college in the North region of Pakistan. The college was established in 1996 as a subsidiary of Islamic International Medical College Trust (IIMC-T) with an aim to provide extended health care services and research innovations.

In accordance with the orders of the honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan and Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PMDC) regulations of centralized admissions policy through admitting university, is being implemented in Islamic International Medical College for MBBS 24th Entry, please click on below link for details

Offered Programs

Master of Health Professions Education (MHPE)



Masters in Health Professions Education of Riphah International University endeavors to promote excellence in teaching & learning and broaden the horizon of rigorous research by generating communities of leaders and scholars. It will also promote the mission of Riphah International University.


The mission of this masters program is to prepare and generate leaders and scholars in Health Professions Education who will of initiating and sustaining academic development & change in their institutions and covert their teaching into scholarly work both locally & globally.

National and International Accreditation

The College is affiliated with Riphah International University, Islamabad and is recognized by the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PM & DC). IIMC is also listed in the WHO directory of accredited medical schools and universities, International Medical Education Directory, USA (IMED), International Institute of Medical Education, USA (IIME) and Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER).

Eighteen batches of MBBS students have already graduated and are registered with PM & DC. They are taken as a valuable addition to a coterie of medical professionals both nationally as well as internationally.


Islamic International Medical College (IIMC) is pioneer private Sector medical college in North region of Pakistan. The college was established in 1996 as a subsidiary of Islamic International Medical College Trust (IIMC-T) with an aim to provide extended health care services and research innovations.

The purpose of the Master of Health Professions Education (MHPE) program is to produce effective leaders and scholars in health professions education, who can manage the change & bring reform in medical education at national level and effectively direct the future health care delivery systems.

Teaching Hospitals

For clinical and practical training four hospitals are affiliated with IIMC. These are:


Welcome to the Islamic International Medical College of Riphah International University. Our mission is to provide medical education at undergraduate and postgraduate level.It includes Fellowships, Masters and PhD programs according to current medical education trends with a focus on developing character through a mentoring program and inculcating Islamic ethical values.

Dr Lt. Gen. (R) Dr. Azhar Rashid

Principal, IIMC/Dean Medical Sciences

Why IIMC? Student at Riphah

IIMC is ranked as one of the best private sector medical college of Pakistan. The attachment at its own teaching hospital makes it a unique medical institution. The institute is producing quality health professionals who are actively playing role in the social health care sector.


UAN: 033-11-000-111,
UAN Lahore: 042-111-747-424