
University Mission and Vision


University Mission and Vision

“Establishment of state of the art educational institutions with a focus on inculcating Islamic ethical values.”


Riphah Values

(1) Al-Akhirah (Akhirah Oriented Decisions) (2) Itqan (Pursuits of Excellence)

(3) Rahmah (Compassion) (4) Mushawarah (Consultation & Harmony)

(5) Ijtimaiyyah (Team-Work) (6) Muhasabah (Accountability)


Mission and Vision of the Department

“To provide an insight into Islamic knowledge and to inculcate the Islamic vision of life and Islamic ethical values into practice.”


Aims and Objectives:

  • To provide in-depth knowledge and deep understanding of the Islamic sciences including, Al-Qur’an, Al-Hadith, Al-Fiqh, See-rah of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), Islamic History, Islamic Thought, Islamic Culture, and Islamic Civilization.
  • To develop a clear and dynamic vision of life among the students so that they can contribute to the culture of knowledge, research, and innovation.
  • To create an insight into Islamic teachings to solve the contemporary issues of the society and deal with challenges faced by the Muslim community (Ummah) around the globe
  • To equip the students with the skills of Islamic education through experiential learning for exposure to modern sciences, social development, and responsible citizens.
  • To train the students with the modern methods and techniques of Islamic Da’wah for contributing to the activities of Da’wah globally.
  • To familiarize the students with ideologies and philosophies of the contemporary world and enable them to analyze these issues in the light of Islamic sources critically.
  • To produce competent Islamic scholars who have in-depth knowledge of primary sources of Islamic thought, including the Holy Qur’an and Sun-nah of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him).


UAN: 033-11-000-111,
UAN Lahore: 042-111-747-424