

(Assistant Professor)


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Dr. Muhammad Saif ul Islam is currently an Assistant Professor at Riphah School of Learning, Faculty of Management Sciences, Riphah International University, Islamabad. Previously, he worked as an Assistant Professor at the School of Commerce and Accountancy, Minhaj University Lahore, from October 2023 to September 2024. He was also a member of the “Medal and Shield Distribution Committee” for Convocation 2023 at Minhaj University Lahore, as well as a member of the “Registration Committee” for the 7th World Islamic Economics and Finance Conference (WIEFC) at Minhaj University Lahore.

He completed his Ph.D. in Finance & Banking from the School of Economics, Finance, & Banking (AACSB), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), which holds AACSB accreditation—an honor held by only around 6 percent of business schools worldwide. Additionally, he worked as a research assistant at Universiti Utara Malaysia from February 2020 to March 31, 2023. Dr. Saif ul Islam also completed his Master of Commerce (18 years) from Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, where he also served as a research assistant from May 2018 to October 2019. He was also awarded a Merit Scholarship from Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, Pakistan.

Currently, he serves as an Associate Editor of the “Journal of Islamic Business and Management (JIBM)” , which is recognized by HEC-Pakistan and the ABS. Previously, he was an editorial member of the “Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Venturing” (HEC-Pakistan Recognized) and is a current member of “The Progress: A Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies” (HEC-Pakistan Recognized).

Dr. Muhammad Saif ul Islam has published research articles in well-reputed HEC-Pakistan recognized journals, as well as in impact factor, ESCI, ABS, ABDC, and Scopus-indexed journals. He has also served as a reviewer for various high-impact and Scopus indexed journals, including Finance Research Letters (IF: 7.4), Energy Strategy Reviews (IF: 7.9), Natural Resource Forum (IF: 4.6), Sage Open (IF: 2.00), Frontiers in Environmental Sciences (IF: 5.42), Frontiers in Public Health (IF: 6.461), Cogent Business and Management (IF: 3.00), and many others.His areas of interest include Corporate Finance, Green Finance, Sustainable Finance, Applied Finance, SDGs, Investment Efficiency, Corporate Governance, Financial Econometrics, Political Connections, and Military Connections.



  1. Islam, M.S.U., Wong, W. C., & Yusoff, M. Y. B. M. (2024). Military connections, investment efficiency and political uncertainty: Evidence from Pakistan. Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance


  1. Ali, S., Islam, M.S.U., & Khaliq, A. (2024). Economic View of The Pandemic COVID-19: An Asian Perspective Challenges and Suggestions Based on New Structural Economics Approach. International Journal of Management Research and Emerging.


  1. Shahbaz, M., Meo, M. S., Kamran, H. W., & Islam, M.S.U. (2024). Financial regulations and sustainability: The role of energy price and climate policy uncertainty. Journal of Environmental Management, 359, 121037.


  1. Islam, M.S.U., Wong, W. C., & Yusoff, M. Y. B. M. (2023). Types of Political Connections, Election Years, and Firm Performance in Pakistan: Moderating Role of External Monitoring. Cogent Business &Management


  1. Sheharyar, M., Islam, M.S.U., & Fiaz, M. (2023). Efficiency in the Eye of the Storm: A Comparative Analysis of Conventional and Islamic Banks in Pakistan During the Covid-19 Pandemic using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Business Review of Digital Revolution, 3(1), 45-54.


  1. Islam, M.S.U., Wong, W. C., & Yusoff, M. Y. B. M. (2022). The Influence of Political Connections and Ownership on Firm Performance in Pakistan. Baltic Journal of Law & Politics, 15(2), 650-667.


  1. Khan, A. B., Sharif, A., Islam, M. S. U., Ali, A., Fareed, M., & Zulfaqar, M. (2022). Impact of oil prices on the Islamic and conventional stock indexes’ performance in Malaysia during the COVID-19 pandemic: Fresh evidence from the wavelet-based approach. Frontiers in Energy Research.


  1. Hussain, A., & Islam, M.S.U. (2022). The Impact of Information, Communication Technology, and Innovation on SMEs in Pakistan. International Journal of Management Research and Emerging Sciences, 12(3).


  1. Islam, M.S.U., Khaliq, A., Muien, H. M., & Shahwar, M. (2022). Consumers’ Views and Responses Towards Sales Promotion Strategies in Pakistan: Fresh Evidence from Second Generational Approach. International Journal of Management Research and Emerging Sciences, 12(1).


  1. Khaliq, A., Islam, M.S.U., Akram, M., Hussain, A., & Usman, M. (2022). Factors Affecting Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises’ Accessibility to Institutional Finance in Pakistan: Moderating Role of Government Support. South Asian Journal of Management Sciences, 16(1).


  1. Meo, M.S., Ali, S., Islam, M.S.U., Qammar, R., Cheema, S.M., Karim, M.Z.A. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Tourism and Hospitality Industry of Pakistan: An Insight from Techno and Social-Economics Crisis Perspective. In: Hassan, A., Sharma, A., Kennell, J., Mohanty, P. (eds) Tourism and Hospitality in Asia: Crisis, Resilience and Recovery. Springer, Singapore.


  1. Islam, M.S.U., Meo, M. S., & Usman, M. (2020). The relationship between corporate investment decision and firm performance: Moderating role of cash flows. Journal of Public Affairs, 22(2), e2445.



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UAN Lahore: 042-111-747-424