
Riphah Child Development Centre


Child Development Center was established in 2011 and became an independent department of Faculty of Rehabilitation & Allied Health Sciences (FRAHS) in 2015 for the learning and development of children with different disabilities.

Child Development Center is the only center in the twin cities to provide a balanced, structured program of learning which allows every special child to progress on his or her own pace while ensuring equal opportunities for all. The center also includes prominent pediatricians, clinicians, physical therapists, speech pathologists and occupational therapists on its panel. The center also seeks guidance of foreign qualified professionals on case to case basis.

At CDC, parents are encouraged to take full part in their child’s progress by attending formal reviews, regular parent-teacher meetings, and an open invitation to contact the center at any time to discuss any concerns regarding their ward’s education or any matter concerning the care and welfare of their child


Skilled services are provided under the supervision of Foreign Qualified Professionals by:
1. Physical Well-Being by Physical Therapists
2. Stability
3. Mobility
4. Functionality
5. Speech-Language & Communication Wellness by Speech-Language Therapist
6. Pre-linguistic skills
7. Hearing & listening
8. Comprehension & Understanding
9. Communication (functional to basic)
10. Word Utterance & Sentence
11. Concrete to abstract Narration
12. Feeding & Swallowing
13. Activities of Daily Living by Therapists
14. Self-Grooming skills
15. Self-Feeding skills
16. Tactile/Sensory
17. Literacy Equipment Management
18. Early Child Education by Certified Special Education Teachers
19. Psychological & Social Well-being by Psychologists
20. Balanced Diet & Nutrition by Clinical Nutritionist
21. Community Integration via SOP and Inclusive Schools

CDC Vision

We will help every child to have a happy, fulfilling, and independent life


Following departments are providing internees and post graduate trainees on rotations for their graduate learning, training and clinical exams.
1. Islamic International Medical College Trust (IIMCT)
2. Islamic International Dental College (IIDC)
3. Riphah International Media Sciences (RIMS)
4. Department of Psychology
5. Special Olympics of Pakistan (SOP)



  1. DPT
  2. MS-PT Residency
  3. BS-SLP/T
  4. MS-SLP/T
  5. ADCP
  6. MS Psychology

Islamic International Medical College (IIMC)

Islamic International Medical College (IIMC) is pioneer private Sector medical college in North region of Pakistan. The college was established in 1996 as a subsidiary of Islamic International Medical College Trust (IIMC-T) with an aim to provide extended health care services, Medical Sciences and research innovations.


In accordance with the orders of honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan and Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PMDC) regulations of centralized admissions policy through admitting university, is being implemented in Islamic International Medical College for MBBS 24th Entry, please click on below link for details 

Offered Programs

M.Sc. Pain Medicine

Diploma in Anesthesiology

PHD Programs

M.Phil Basic Sciences



To be a premier institute in training & grooming doctors of impeccable professional ability with exacting standards of moral & ethical values ho exercise excellence in providing healthcare & practicing medical sciences and are acclaimed nationally as well as internationally.

The Founder

Late Maj. Gen. Muhammad Zulfiqar Ali Khan TI (M), TBt (R) An internationally renowned Cardiologist and a medical personality of unquestionable integrity with exceptional caliber. He was founding Chairman of the Islamic International Medical College Trust, a not for profit educational trust established in 1995. He has to his credit the establishment and smooth running of Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology (AFIC) / National Institute of Heart Diseases (NIHD), Islamic International Medical College Trust, Hearts International Hospital and Pakistan National Heart Association (PANAH).

These Institutions are living tribute to his professional capabilities and administrative skills. His valuable services for the people of Pakistan, for Armed Forces of Pakistan and for mankind as a whole, particularly in health and education sector, will serve as Beacon of Light for the coming generation.

Batch 2022

Fee Structure for MBBS

Fee and Dues for  FY 2022-23 for First Year MBBS intake Batch 2023:

Local Students:

One-time Admission Fee PKR 30,360/-
Tuition fee PKR 1,550,120/-

Foreign Students:

One-time Admission Fee US$ 350/-
Tuition fee US$ 17,500

**PMC registration is also payable in actual by the student in the name of “Pakistan Medical Commission” as per approved regulations.

Above fee excludes taxes and levies if applicable.

Hostel rentals amounts to Rs.18,750/- per head per month for boarder students in addition to above fee. Mess and transportation shall be charged monthly as per actual.

Admission Fee is non refundable.Further pro rata deduction of tuition fee shall be applicable for the period spent in the college for students leaving after commencement of classes. Student shall be liable for 10% of total annual fee in addition to above deductions for leaving college after 4th month of commencement of classes.

This fee amount is maximum and may be reviewed annually to facilitate student with financial benefit if deemed necessary by the university keeping in view the national inflation.

Fee payment shall be accepted as per PMC regulations. Student must seek prior permission of college authorities for payment in lump sum or early payment of fee.

Aims & Objectives

IIMC was founded with sole purpose of providing quality education, disciplined behavior and character building of the budding doctors. The graduating doctors are expected to be:

National and International Accreditation

The College is affiliated with Riphah International University, Islamabad and is recognized by the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PM & DC). IIMC is also listed in the WHO directory of accredited medical schools and universities, International Medical Education Directory, USA (IMED), International Institute of Medical Education, USA (IIME) and Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER).

Eighteen batches of MBBS students have already graduated and are registered with PM & DC. They are taken as a valuable addition to a coterie of medical professionals both nationally as well as internationally.

Teaching Hospitals

For clinical and practical training four hospitals are affiliated with IIMC. These are:

IIMCT Pakistan Railways Hospital, Rawalpindi, administered since 1998. 353-bed tertiary care hospital.
Riphah International Hospital established 2014. 160-bed tertiary care hospital.
Islamic International Dental Hospital, Islamabad, established since 2001. 125 Dental Chairs in different dental specialties.
Hearts International Hospital, Rawalpindi, established since 1996. 105-bed hospital for delivering high-tech care in cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology and many other areas.

  1. Good, practicing and enlightened Muslim medical professionals.
  2. Committed to Professional excellence with strong community orientation.
  3. Able to manage emergencies in clinical practice.


UAN: 033-11-000-111,
UAN Lahore: 042-111-747-424