
RARE Goals

RARE set its goals as under:


  • To strive for bringing reforms in medical education in line with prevailing in developed countries.
  • To establish a platform for international collaboration in the field of health profession education.
  • To liaise with regulatory authorities and persuade them to reform health profession education.
  • To bring changes in teaching methodology and quality in all faculties.
  • To promote commencement of new postgraduate courses.
  • To promote culture of research in Riphah Faculty and Students
  • To promote establishment of research laboratories.
  • To arrange/provide for grants for healthy implementable research.


With these goals in mind short term (5 years) objectives were set as under:

  • Development and implementation of integrated curriculum at IIMC.
  • Development and implementation of integrated curriculum at IIDC.
  • To get established Departments of Medical Education by PMDC in all medical/dental colleges.
  • To get Postgraduate qualifications in Medical Education recognized by PM&DC as separate specialty.
  • To establish International Conference on Medical Education.
  • To get organized conferences by other faculties.
  • To organize regular CPD events for faculty development.
  • To establish relationships with other national and international institutions/organizations
  • To bring out research journals from various faculties.
  • To bring significant and regular increase in research output by all faculties.


  • To develop and promote meaningful national and international collaborations.


Specific targets suggested for next five years are as under:

  • Designing and executing faculty development programmes for all campuses and faculties identified from need-based analyses.
  • Moving forward on Outcome Based Education in all faculties.
  • Designing and executing up to Master level programme in OBE on the pattern of MHPE.
  • Improving research facilities within the University.
  • Shifting research objectives from basic to applied.
  • Promotion of interdisciplinary research.
  • Promotion of research culture among undergraduate students.
  • Facilitation of publications, writing monographs and books, patent applications and seeking research grants.
  • Introduction of a Multidiciplany conference and open house at University level.
  • Develop and execute finance generating activities.

Following pages detail the new organogram, revised policies and job descriptions of all the persons working in or for RARE. The document has been shared and discussed with selected Deans and their feedback has been accommodated. Where changes have been introduced or agreement has not been achieved are printed in red font.


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UAN Lahore: 042-111-747-424