Ph. D Islamic Thought and Civilization: University of Management and Technology, Lahore. 2020
Dissertation: Contemporizing Christian Theological Trends in Pakistan: An Analytical Critique of Christian Discourses since 1970.
Thesis: Christian-Muslim Religious Education and Society: A Comparative Study of Gujranwala Theological Seminary and Nusrat-ul-Uloom
Subjects: Approaches to the study of religion, comparative mysticism, sociology of religion, cosmology of religion, religion in the modern world
B.Ed. Allama Iqbal Open University 2005
Subjects: English language and literature, Islamic studies and Pakistan studies, Teaching Techniques
Certificate English Language Proficiency Certificate 2013
Faculty of Islamic Studies, International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan
Workshops 1. Managing Literature Review using Envivo Software 2014
Participated in One day workshop organized to make students capable to manage their literature in their research work by using Envivo Software held in the University of Management and Technology, Lahore.
Participated in One day workshop organized for the students of Islamic Thought and Civilization to enable them in writing effective research proposal under the management of UMT, Lahore
1.Published Research Articles (HEC Y Category)
2.Published Research Articles (HEC X Category)
3.Articles under Publication Process